SANTIAGO, CHILE.- This year, AHLA made a business-academic alliance with the Adolfo Ibáñez University (UAI), with the aim of collaborating in the generation of innovation through research and development.

In this collaboration, we seek to create a long-term relationship between our company and UAI, promoting the exchange of knowledge and the development of joint projects, with a sustainable and social perspective, capable of complementing the abilities of university’s students and teachers with those given by of our professionals.

The alliance seeks to be able to deliver a different perspective from the company than the one delivered by university education, in addition to supporting projects that arise both from the company and from the university, based on this joint knowledge exchange. This alliance was made directly with the Faculty of Engineering and Sciences, which is why we are proud to work together with the academy to generate value through R&D.

For more information about Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, visit



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